Jalapeno Cheddar Cheetos Made with Real Cheese

>> Dec 31, 2007

Oh, New Jalapeno Cheddar Cheetos Made with Real Cheese,

Can I just call you JCC for short? OK. I will.

How I love you so. You've got that extra crunchy, fun-loving taste that I crave. There's nothing like the classic cheddar cheesy taste of a Cheeto made with real cheese, followed by the lasting impression of jalapeño flavor.

No other cheese flavored snack can even compare. And, although there are 10 grams of fat in each serving - which is about 22 Cheetos - you don't have any trans fats. That's wonderful. I mean, all cancer-causing agents aside - thank goodness there are zero extra fats that contribute to my body growing horizontally.

And, lets talk about that sodium content: 290 milligrams - wow! This amount may be 12% of my daily intake (as prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration, based on a 2,000 calorie diet), but it also helps me maintain the sodium content my body needs (since I normally just don't eat any kind of salt at all - it leads to high blood pressure - and it also makes you retain water).

And, even though 90 of the 160 calories in one serving are from fat, it's okay. Because, I know that you're made with jalapeño flavor. And, spicy foods have been shown to increase the metabolism, according to recent studies, as published by unknown resources.

What I love more about you, JCC, is that you have two whole grams of protein. This is particularly helpful because right now I'm weight training. I could really use those extra two, itsy bitsy, bite-sized grams of protein to help boost the size of my muscle tissue.

All in all, New Jalapeno Cheddar Cheetos Made with Real Cheese, you're a great snack. And, I think...no, I know...I love you.


A Very Health Conscious Gay Man Who's Getting Ready for Swimsuit Season



>> Dec 11, 2007

So, I’ve been involved in the gay community for quite some time now. What started out as a casual reference to the “gay community” has long been changed, modified, stripped nude and left for eventual annihilation. To be all-inclusive of everyone who makes up this widely gay community, the forefathers of queerness have decided to reference our group as GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) – another ubiquitous acronym that has been added to the ranks of an acronym-happy world.

So, you might find it interesting to know that there has been yet another shift in how we homos are being referenced. That’s right…in the end, we are talking about homos. Though, an astute, smart person might know that transsexuals are not necessarily homosexuals. This is a thought that I’m sure most straight people would have a meltdown trying to compute. Ask any bisexual person if they identify with homosexuality in the least bit, and I’m sure you will get an astounding “hell no!” So, why then are we all grouped together? Mass confusion? Ignorance? I vote for loss of identity.

What is the new shift in GLBT identification, you ask? I’ll give you one hint: Women’s Liberation. That’s right; GLBT has now been changed to LGBT – putting the lesbians first in the list. Frankly, I really don’t care who comes first in the list, as long as we stay consistent with how we are identified as a people. It seems that in the pursuit of inclusion, we are losing our integrity.

Now, whether the lesbians all stood up one day and took a stand against this male-dominated species and said “Damnit! Even the gays discriminate against women,” or if some reporter decided on a whim to start using LGBT in her writings, versus GLBT – the mystery remains. In the end, I’m not too upset over it. I just feel like we’re losing our identity by not remaining consistent.

Most straight people still have never heard the acronym GLBT. Now, we’re forcing them to recognize us as GLBT and LGBT. Call me ridiculous for even writing about it, but I say it must be downright confusing for any person to understand all these acronyms and what they all mean! To the rednecks and Christians, we are all just fags anyway.

But, I digress. I do have a great sense of pride in our GLB…errr…LGBT community. I continue to offer myself up as a volunteer for multiple charities and causes right here in the gayborhood…or should that word change, too? Perhaps we now live in the LGBTborhood. I don’t know where I live. But, what I do know is that the 20-something urbanauts have infiltrated our hood and have taken over the produce section at Kroger. If posed with the question "What does LGBT stand for?" the caught-off-guard hetero would most likely drop his squash right where he stood and mumble "huh?"

You just can’t find a hot, gay man while shopping at the grocery anymore…what a damn shame. But, that’s another story for another time.

In the words of one of my favorite journalists, John Stossel, “Gimme a Break!”


For the Bible Tells Me 'No'

>> Nov 1, 2007

So, I get these Google Alerts in my email box daily - always GLBT news of some sort, particularly pertaining to Dallas where I live. Google is a great thing - if you haven't yet discovered Google Alerts, you're living in the Ice Age. Seriously...go get 'em.

On Monday, I get an alert about a new film titled For the Bible Tells Me So. Naturally, I was intrigued since it seems lately that God and all of his followers have been cramming the Good Word down my throat. For the past few months, a large gang of Jesus freaks have been congregating outside JR's (a local gay bar on the gay strip in Dallas), forming a circle and singing tunes that include words like "Jesus Saves" and "Jesus forgives." You can't blame these folks for standing up for what they believe in...but come on...you don't see a gaggle of fags standing outside a motorcycle bar singing Madonna tunes, trying to convert all of them into good little gays!

Right, so Jesus is all up in my Kool-Aid these days. The religious conservatives are all about sending us fags to hell - several even want us killed, according to signs they hold up when protesting in the streets.

After reading all about this new film, I can't wait to see it. So, I send a blanket text message to everyone in my address book, looking for someone with whom I can see the film. Bingo! My straight female friend, who has a 19-year old gay son, is all about attending with me.

The film is a documentary that was very well directed, telling the story of non-acceptance of the GLBT community in the religious world. Chronicling the lives of several families who are born and raised with religion in their lives, each family finds themselves becoming connected to the GLBT community through a sibling, child or relative who outs themselves.

This film is very powerful and quite controversial. We watch one mother tell her own lesbian daughter that she will never be accepted and that she is going to Hell for being gay. Later, the lesbian hangs herself and the mother grieves her daughter's death for years to come. This tragic turn of events makes a light go off in Mom's head, and she decides to go back and read all of these passages in the Bible that supposedly say homosexuality is wrong. Through her own education, and without the direction of her church for once, Mom understands these passages in a completely different way. Mom now believes that the Bible never meant that homosexuality is wrong...that it is misunderstood and misquoted by the entire religious community. Several reverends back this up. So, Mom sets out with her new-found knowledge and begins protesting for gay rights, remembering and memorializing her daughter's death every step of the way.

There are several real-life stories in this film about families who have their own struggles with homosexuality and religion. Each story is very moving.

I highly recommend seeing this film - gay or straight.

Check it out at www.forthebibletellsmeso.org.


LGBT Activists

LGBT Blogs

  • Hello world! - Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! The post Hello world! first appeared on queerplanet.
    3 years ago
  • Word of the Gay: "Ghey""Ghey" - "Ghey" is a postmodern redevelopment of the pejorative usage of the term gay. The term is supposed to convey a sense of being lame or uncool without offend...
    13 years ago

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