New York Mayor Bloomberg Announces Support of Marriage Equality Bill

>> Mar 26, 2009

Last night at the New York Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center's third annual Center Dinner, Mayor Michael J. Bloomberg publicly announced his support for a marriage equality bill. Having Mayor Bloomberg as an ally in this fight for recognition of same-sex marriage is a tremendous triumph, as well a strong indicator of even more inspiring change to come.

"I think you see that the tide is turning, that support is mounting," Bloomberg said to more than 350 guests. "It's still not going to be easy. There are people who don't agree, but it's incumbent on all of us to explain to people that this really is a basic right that people should have, and I think that it's time for Albany to set politics aside and do the right thing, and pass the gay marriage bill."

The Center applauds Mayor Bloomberg for standing up for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality. With Senator Schumer's recent call for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, our community continues to gain significant support for civil rights.

It is extremely meaningful that Mayor Bloomberg chose the Center to make this announcement as the Center has been New York City's home for our community for over twenty-five years. Thanks to every person who is connected to the Center, we remain a strong advocate for LGBT issues. With continued support from our community, we will be able reinforce and act upon the need for change that Mayor Bloomberg has boldly set in motion.

Coutesy:  The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center


Obama Authorizes United Nations Gay Rights Declaration

>> Mar 21, 2009

On Wednesday, March 18, 2009, Obama officially endorsed a United Nations gay rights declaration calling for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality, the same measure which is previously rejected by former President Bush. This endorsement was the product of intense negative criticism by human rights and a number of other groups.

When first introduced, the United States was in line with countries such as Russia, China and members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. “Homosexuality is currently forbidden in around 80 countries and can be grounds for execution in at least six”, The Times’ Neil McFarquhar reported when the measure was first introduced in December. Some who opposed the declaration claimed that it was a gateway to the legalization of pedophilia and incest, while others, such as the Bush Administration claimed that while it was opposed to discrimination of any kind, it was worried the declaration could undercut state and local governments on issues like gay marriage. In contrast, that same contention, after much consideration, led the Obama Administration in a different direction stating that support “commits us to no legal obligations.”

“This is a welcome step forward as it signals to the world that, after years of a hostile administration, the United States recognizes the humanity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people at home and abroad,” said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign.

"This is long past overdue and we are encouraged by the signal it sends that the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people will now be considered human rights," said Rea Carey, the executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

While it is no secret that Obama is seeking to overturn the unpopular “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy devised under the Clinton Administration, this U.N. declaration could be the first step in showing the world that new and long deserved rights for gays in America are underway.

Courtesy:  Kimberly Young, Dallas Gay Community Examiner


Fake Blood Drive Discriminates against "Faggots" - Culprits Revealed

>> Mar 16, 2009

A fake blood drive for "Jennifer Gale" was posted on fliers around town in St. Paul, MN. At first glance the fliers appear to discriminate against gay men. The fliers bore the Red Cross logo and read "No Faggots". Below is an excerpt from Fox News covering the story.

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Many passersby might not give blood drive fliers posted in Minneapolis and St. Paul a second glance, but many people are outraged over what's in the fine print.

"I don't like that at all. It's disturbing that anyone would write that on a poster and put it up for public display. I think it's terrible. It makes me want to rip it down," says Emily Weigel, who noticed the flier Monday.

The fliers advertise a supposed blood drive at a Minneapolis church, and are even marked with a Red Cross logo. The fliers go on to describe qualifications for donating blood, but at the end of the first paragraph, is a derogatory word aimed at homosexual men...

UPDATE: The persons responsible for the fliers have been revealed!

A group (H.O.M.O.) Humans Opposed to Medical Oppression posted fliers around the twin cities in the last week advertising a Red Cross blood drive that included the statement "No Faggots" to draw attention to a homophobic policy that excludes men who have had sex with men from donating blood. A similar action was done in Portland, Maine by a group called The Naughty North. This video features the motives behind that action.


Guerrilla Gays Turned Away from Houston Bar

Houston’s first Guerrilla Gay Bar event apparently didn’t go too well.

About 100 gays were turned away from the Union Bar and Lounge in Midtown on Friday night, according to a press release from the Houston GLBT Political Caucus. Guerrilla Gay Bar participants were made to wait in line when they started arriving at the bar, which was mostly empty at the time, while straight-appearing people were allowed in, the press release states.

The growing crowd of gays gathered outside in the rain was told by employees that the bar was trying to maintain a “ratio.” This is despite the fact that Guerrilla Gay Bar organizers had contacted the owner in advance, and were told they would be welcomed. The press release states that Houston is the only major city in Texas that doesn’t prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in public accommodations, meaning there may be no legal recourse. However, a protest reportedly is being planned outside the bar tonight. Read the full press release after the jump.

Also, here’s a link to the Facebook page for the group “Union Bar Houston - We Will Not Go There.”

Gays made to wait in rain as others admitted

Nearly 100 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people were refused entry to Union Bar and Lounge in Midtown Friday while others were welcomed.

Patrons started lining up at about 9:40 p.m. and were told to wait in line and not allowed inside, even as straight-appearing people were waved through. As the line grew and patrons waited in the rain, employees at the door told those who were that they were maintaining a “ratio.” Later, the bar employees simply indicated they had the right to refuse anyone.

“I was shocked to be a victim of that kind of discrimination in a city like Houston in 2009,” said Neal Falgoust, a Houston law student. “I have never experienced anything like that before in my life.”

A patron who arrived at the bar early reported that the bar was nearly empty at about 9:40 p.m., when gay people started arriving and were stopped at the door.

Gay people continued to line up to the street and around the corner as people who appeared to be straight went to the front and were ushered in. Kris Banks, who stood at the front of the line, said the bar employees were asking the women who were entering with men if the men were accompanying them. If the men were with the women, they were allowed in.

“I arrived and heard that they were not allowing gay men in, so when I got to the door with three women I asked if we would be allowed in, and the door employee said ‘I was told to keep you out,’ ” said Lindsey Dionne. “This was supposed to be a social event, but now it’s political.”

That this kind of discrimination is still legal in Houston makes it more outrageous. A coalition of GLBT rights groups, including the Houston GLBT Political Caucus, the Houston Stonewall Young Democrats, the Harris County Impact Houston and Amicus at South Texas College of Law said Saturday that the incident is proof of the necessity of legal protections for sexual orientation and gender identity for public accommodations.

“Houston is the only major city in Texas without a law that prevents this kind of discrimination,” said Jerry Simoneaux, GLBT civil rights lawyer. “This incident is exactly the reason Houston should implement such an ordinance.”

The event was organized as Houston’s first “Guerrilla Gay Bar,” a tongue-in-cheek event that has been popular in other cities in which GLBT individuals come to traditionally straight bars to interact with other communities. Though Guerrilla Gay Bars are usually a surprise event in other cities, Houston organizers informed the bar owner in advance out of courtesy and were told they would be welcomed.

Courtesy Dallas Voice
March 14th, 2009
By John Wright

Read the original article here:


Escorting an Escort Part 3

>> Mar 13, 2009

I thought about Marco all night last night when I returned home from his place. As I laid on the sofa, I almost regretted leaving. I wished I had stayed and slept next to him all night long.

Did I tell you that I have insomnia? It's true. I've had acute insomnia for as long as I can remember - at least since I was 23 years old. The sleeplessness did subside for a short period of time - notably, it was when I was married to my ex Kevin. On the surface, it seems as though my codependency may be preventing me from getting a good night's rest.

So, it should be mentioned that for the last week I have slept like a baby every single night. I don't know why that is. Maybe because I'm being fulfilled emotionally right now. It's the only conclusion I can draw at the moment.

This morning I woke up on the sofa, hopped in the shower and dressed for a job interview. I was very excited about this interview, especially since this economy has made it next to impossible to find work. On the way back from the interview I texted Marco "Good morning sunshine ;-)"

He texted back "How was your interview?"

I was so happy that he not only remembered, but that he was kind enough to offer up the sentiment.

I scarfed down some lunch at Eatery on 9th avenue and headed back home. After doing a bit of Web surfing for news, my phone rang.

I completely forgot that he picked up my phone last night and customized the ring tone for when he calls. I thought that was really cute. So, when I heard the song playing on my phone, I immediately smiled as tingles rolled down my back. Significantly, he rarely makes a voice call since he's always in pain and it hurts to speak. Almost always, we communicate via text messaging.

However, this time...he was calling. So, I picked up the phone with a big smile, so happy to hear his voice. In the best English he could muster up, he said "I wanted to call you today."

I said "I'm so glad you did. How are you feeling?"

"I feel good today. I've been doing my exercises and I think it might be working," he answered.

"I'm so happy to hear that. It's good to hear your voice."

He said "You know I normally don't call. But, I felt so good today, I wanted to talk to you and tell you that."

A feeling of relief washed over me. Could the physical therapy actually be working? Even if it's just mind over matter, I don't care. If his pain subsides even for a moment, then I'm happy. He's such a joy to be around when he's not in pain. He opens up, smiles and laughs. He makes me giggle like a school girl with his quirkiness and funny expressions. I know when he's feeling good when I see him smile.

He told me that he wants to get together later and play cards. I laughed a little because that was probably the most random request I've received in a while. I told him that I made plans to have drinks later with some friends, but he's welcome to join us if he's feeling okay.

Marco said he would see how he's feeling later, but he would love to come along.

Today is a good day for Marco. And because he's having a good day, it brightens my entire world.


Escorting an Escort Part 2

I spent the entire day and night with Marco today. He greeted me with a big smile, wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed me. We ventured out to have some lunch and ended up at the Amish Market on 9th avenue. The food was fresh and delicious, and we sat at a communal table with other random store patrons. I had baked fish, mixed green salad and a random wrapped grape leaf.

On the way down the street, Marco held my hand a few times and hung onto my shoulder. It was sweet and totally unexpected. What's more is that my best friend will probably have a hard time believing this. He knows that I tend to have a difficult time with affection. My best friend can't even hug me without me shuddering. But, Marco makes me feel good...genuinely good. So, his touch, his hug - it's all welcome any time.

After lunch, we walked down to the meat market where the butcher sliced up 12 filets from a beef tenderloin. It was a really cool place and surprisingly very low price. I say this because everything in New York is very expensive. In any other grocery store, those filets would have cost about $15-20 each. He got 12 for $22.

We left the market and headed back to his place. Soon after arrival, Marco's pain returned. He was absolutely miserable, unable to move. He got so depressed, grabbed me and pulled me close to him. He said that the pain was so bad he didn't know how he could possibly go on living this way. This prompted a more in-depth discussion about his pain.

Turns out that he has a very bad case of TMJ. One night about a year ago he thought he could reposition his disjointed jaw all by hisself. That was a mistake. It landed him in the hospital where the team of doctors convinced him to have surgery. They even paid for the surgery - Marco didn't pay a single dime.

I did lots of research on TMJ during our conversation. I discovered that there is no cure for it, and that surgery is always a last resort since most of the time it actually makes it worse. This was certainly the case for Marco. He went in with moderate pain and came out with the worst pain of his life.

I feel so bad for him. I just hate to see him in pain. He drew me closer still and put his head on my chest. It wasn't long before I realized that the pain and depression brought tears to his eyes. It broke my heart. I wanted to help him but there was absolutely nothing I could do. I felt so helpless, so out of reach. So, all I could do was rub his back while tears fell from his eyes.

After a very long discussion, I discovered that he did not finish his post-op physical therapy. He said that it hurt too much so he stopped seeing the therapist. I was flabbergasted. I could not believe what I was hearing. All of the research I did online pointed toward the physical therapy exercises being the only solution to pain associated with TMJ.

So, I spent the next two hours trying my hardest to convince him to do the exercises again. He was so stubborn, he didn't want to do it. But, after a while, somehow I convinced him. After an entire year of living with this horrible pain, he's finally doing something about it.

So, using a physical therapy instruction manual we both did the exercises together. We breathed together. We massaged our jaws together. We did as much as we could do. I was even beginning to feel the strain from the exercises. He promised me that he would do his therapy every day from now on and we would track his progress.

I don't know if these exercises will work. God, I hope they do. But, he has nothing to lose by trying.

After therapy, he reached over and touched my face. He said "I like you." Those gorgeous chestnut brown eyes gleamed at me and pierced my heart. I know that Marco is telling the truth - it's that unmistakable look in someone's eyes that are the window to a person's soul. I can see right through him with just one stare.

He got up off the bed and went to his hall closet, returning with an accordian file. With broken English, he said "These are my secrets," and he opened up the file.

Fumbling through paperwork, he produced several certificates and university transcripts. The man has a college education. Not only is he degreed, but he's extremely smart, far surpassing minimum scores to receive MCSE certifications.

Turns out that he was a database administrator and head of an IT department back in his country a few years ago. But, his job overworked him and paid very little. He felt as though he would never get anywhere in the world on that kind of salary. So, he ended up in New York. To make ends meet, he became an escort.

But, being an escort is much like a downward spiral, spinning out of control. It's difficult to recover from this sort of lifestyle; it sticks with you. I asked him about using his degree in New York, but he insisted that there's no money in it. I didn't agree. In urban areas, a Microsoft certification can land you a great job that pays rather well. We did not see eye-to-eye on the subject, so I just let it go.

I'm learning so many lessons in this new friendship with Marco. Today, I learned first hand why it's so important not to judge a book by its cover. You nor I would never have guessed that he was highly educated.

The accordian file retired back to the closet after he showed me a few more items. I learned that he still maintains a bank account in his native country. He deposits money into the account and then transfers it to his mother's bank account. He's a good soon. He helps support his mother. I'm sure she doesn't know what her son has to do for that money.

Big man. Big heart.

Marco went to the kitchen and started to cook dinner. He said he wanted to cook for me. This would be the second time he's made dinner for us. The food was just as good the second time around. After our meal, we laid in bed and cuddled. His pain was back. He explained that it tends to go away while he's busy doing something. So, he didn't think about it much while he was cooking.

So, I told him that sex always makes my headache go away and I asked if it would help him. I know what you're thinking: cheap trick, trying to get sex out of the deal. That honestly wasn't what I was doing. If I wanted sex I could just ask...there's no need to be sly or coy or employ any kind of trickery just to get it.

He agreed. So, being the man that I am, I know that the penis has pressure points that trigger euphoria - a feeling that trumps pain. So, I gave him oral sex, which led to intercourse. At one point, he stopped mid-sex and said "I really like you, Jason."

I said "I know. I'm so glad that you do, because I like you, too."

Afterward I asked to use his shower, to which he replied "This is your house."

I can hardly describe the deep connection that Marco and I have. It's difficult to believe, even for myself, but I'm really beginning to fall for this guy. Is it because I'm drawn to his emotion? Is it because he's so attentive and gentle and kind? Is it because he genuinely makes an effort to make me feel like the only man on earth? I think it's a combination of everything.

Before I left this evening, he erased all of his DVR recordings and said "I made room for you."

I said "What?"

"I want to put your shows in my DVR so you don't miss them. You can watch them here," he explained.

He said "I want you here. All the time."

I kissed Marco on his forehead, gave him a big smile and started to walk toward the door. He stopped me in the hallway and hugged me. He said "I will sleep tonight. Thank you."

Read the complete "Escorting an Escort" series on my blog here:


Escorting an Escort Part 1

>> Mar 12, 2009

I've decided to start writing about a new experience I've been having lately. I'm sure many of you will have a hard time understanding this subject matter, so I implore you to keep an open mind. After all, it is my own open mind that led me to this situation in the first place.

About a week ago I was chatting online and I received a message from a guy. Basically it said he wasn't looking to meet that night, maybe the next day, but he was more interested in meeting potential new friends.

I was excited at the prospect, because I am also looking for friends since I just moved to New York. He never sent me any nude photos, but I did see that he had an incredibly beautiful, muscular body and such a handsome face.

We traded phone numbers and decided to contact each other the following day. Much to my surprise about an hour later he texted me and asked if I would meet him down the street in a public place. I agreed.

He was even hotter in person. We walked across the street to a neighborhood bar, walked in and discovered that it was entirely too crowded and very loud. So, we contemplated on where to go from there. But, the options were limited due to the time of night and the cold weather. Ultimately, we decided to pick up a bottle of vodka and go back to his place.

On the walk over I tried very hard to keep the conversation going. He was very quiet and answered my questions in one or two-word phrases. He explained in broken English (he speaks Spanish) that he's very shy, and because he's still learning English, he doesn't talk much.

I wasn't expecting what I heard next and I really don't think I had much of a reaction. But, I asked him what he does for a living. After a long pregnant pause he looked at me and said "I'm an escort."

I said "Really?" I remember thinking Great, does he think I'm going to pay for sex? He said he would normally never tell anyone that he's an escort, especially this early on. But, he felt compelled to be completely honest with me.

I followed "Marco" up to his apartment and sat at his table. He poured two vodka tonics, looked at me with his dark brown eyes and said "I normally don't drink."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"I had an accident about a year ago, fell and split open my head."

Marco grabbed my hand and placed it on his head to feel his scars. He explained that he had surgery about a year ago and that he has experienced chronic pain ever since. He said that the pain is so bad that it makes him miserable.

Even worse, he's afraid to take his prescription pain reliever because it prevents him from getting an erection. Marco is a top. If he can't get an erection, he can't work; he can't make money; he can't pay his rent.

Marco places my hand back on the table and cups it with his, looks deep into my eyes and catches an unwavering stare for what seemed like decades before he finally blinked. I could feel so much emotional power and pain in that one look. It brought tears to my eyes. It was one of the more profound experiences of my life.

He explained that he doesn't have any friends in the city, although he's been in New York for over three years. He doesn't have anyone to talk to; no one to have lunch with or see a movie with; no one to lounge around the house with and just laugh about silly things. The man has never heard of, nor has he ever seen a single episode of Golden Girls. Yeah, I know what you're thinking...he can't be gay! But, he is.

We finished half of our first drink before he grabbed my hand and sat me down on the bed. He took off his shirt and revealed his beautiful body and said "touch me."

How could I not? The man is hot.

He sat on the bed next to me and stared into my eyes while I massaged his chest, abs, shoulders. He talked more about his pain and told me that it hurts so much - even at the very moment. I told him to take his medication, that he doesn't have to worry about his erection since he doesn't have any clients the rest of the night.

But, he said he wouldn't be able to perform for me. I didn't care. I told him that sex wasn't necessary. I was more concerned about his pain.

He was so sweet. I could feel his emotional pain all over him. I asked him if he liked his work. He said that he likes it sometimes, but mostly it makes him feel lonely. For him, sex is just an act. It's a motion he goes through that he doesn't even think about.

So I laid my head on his chest and cuddled up next to him. He stroked my hair and kept my hand on his chest. He liked to be touched. He doesn't get touched, not in an endearing way at least.

He said he wanted to see my body, so he took off my shirt and ran his hands down my torso to my pants. Eventually we both laid there without clothes and just felt each other's bodies. It was an incredibly emotional experience. I knew that no one has ever taken the time to appreciate him for anything other than quick sex. So, I couldn't cross that barrier. I didn't want to treat him like every other trick that walks through his front door.

Later that night we ended up having sex. And, I must admit...there's a reason why men pay him. The boy is good. Really good. I told him he could kiss me. But, he was very reluctant to do so. Afterward, he asked me to stay the night. He wanted to fall asleep next to me. He said that no one has ever been so kind to him.

He also explained that any time he's ever told someone that he's an escort, they have never called him back. He said that no one wants to be his friend because of his job. I told him I would be his friend, that he being an escort is his business and that I have no right to judge him for it.

I could see that he wanted to cry. But, he held it back. It's apparent that he's been harboring emotions for many years. Given the chance, I'm sure the flood gates would open up and let loose a stockpile of anger, frustration, sadness and more.

I told Marco that I would not stay the night, not yet. So, I put on my clothes and he held me for a very long time. He said "I could be better with you around."

Those few words had such strong meaning for the both of us. I responded with "take your medication and get some sleep."

He said that if I would just text him the next day it would mean so much to him. Of course I obliged. I think he half expected me to never call him again, like all the other men he's tried to befriend in the past.

The next day I picked up the phone and texted him "I was glad to meet you. Lets get together again."

He replied "I'm free at 9 p.m. tonight."

Over the course of the next week, I've seen Marco several times and I've slept over, too. I've watched him wince in pain and refuse to take medication. I've watched him place an ice pack on his head since it tends to make him feel better. He's cooked me dinner and rubbed my shoulders. We've watched random things on TV while lying in bed together.

Every time I see him he opens up even more. Now, he smiles at me and his entire face brightens up. He laughs at my jokes. He's coming out of his shell. He's even beginning to trust me more. I helped him fix his cable TV issues. Since he doesn't communicate very well in English, he was frustrated about having to call customer service at Time Warner. Now, thank God, the boy has Bravo!

Now, he kisses me. He wraps his arms around me when I walk in the door, he smiles and he kisses me...over and over again. What's more...he surprised me with a random act of versatility. He said since the first night when I told him that I am quite versatile in bed, that he took the time to prepare himself to be a bottom for me. He said that he never bottoms and that he thought it would hurt. For all you bottoms out there - I know you're laughing. And for the rest of you skeptics - trust me...the boy is ALL TOP. And, it was increasingly apparent when I took the reigns that evening.

He texted me last night to tell me he wanted to see me. So, I went over to his place and we laid in bed together, watched some TV until his phone rang. A client was calling. I gestured to him that it was take care of his business and call me later.

He told me he wanted me to come back and sleep next to him.

I went home and passed out on the couch. I woke up early this morning and realized I missed a few messages from him. The last one read "Need you."

I'm sure that many things are going through your head right now. It's dizzying; the thought of "dating" an escort. It's taboo. It's crazy. You might even wonder how it could ever work. I really don't know the answer. I don't think I've given it too much thought. I'm a wing mender. I have to fix things all the time. And, for Marco, I want to breathe some life back into his heart. Every time I see him he seems happier. I can't take that away from him.

So, for now, I will continue to see Marco. I'll sleep over and hold him, rub his back and smile at him often. I'll do my best to make him feel loved and missed. I don't know how long this will last. This situation obviously doesn't fit into my master plan of getting married, buying a house together and living happily ever after.

But, life brings us all kinds of things we don't immediately understand. I won't argue with the moon and the stars. I'll just keep on keepin' on and see where this leads me.

I'll see Marco tonight, and I'll write more about our experiences soon.


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  • Word of the Gay: "Ghey""Ghey" - "Ghey" is a postmodern redevelopment of the pejorative usage of the term gay. The term is supposed to convey a sense of being lame or uncool without offend...
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