Fake Blood Drive Discriminates against "Faggots" - Culprits Revealed

>> Mar 16, 2009

A fake blood drive for "Jennifer Gale" was posted on fliers around town in St. Paul, MN. At first glance the fliers appear to discriminate against gay men. The fliers bore the Red Cross logo and read "No Faggots". Below is an excerpt from Fox News covering the story.

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Many passersby might not give blood drive fliers posted in Minneapolis and St. Paul a second glance, but many people are outraged over what's in the fine print.

"I don't like that at all. It's disturbing that anyone would write that on a poster and put it up for public display. I think it's terrible. It makes me want to rip it down," says Emily Weigel, who noticed the flier Monday.

The fliers advertise a supposed blood drive at a Minneapolis church, and are even marked with a Red Cross logo. The fliers go on to describe qualifications for donating blood, but at the end of the first paragraph, is a derogatory word aimed at homosexual men...

UPDATE: The persons responsible for the fliers have been revealed!

A group (H.O.M.O.) Humans Opposed to Medical Oppression posted fliers around the twin cities in the last week advertising a Red Cross blood drive that included the statement "No Faggots" to draw attention to a homophobic policy that excludes men who have had sex with men from donating blood. A similar action was done in Portland, Maine by a group called The Naughty North. This video features the motives behind that action.


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